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The University of St Andrews Law Society is made up of students from all over the world and from all tracks of life, united by a common interest in law. We host a variety of events throughout the academic year for those who seek to pursue careers in the legal profession or simply learn more about law. Each semester, we invite solicitors, barristers and admissions tutors; hold networking socials; organise mooting competitions and trips; and provide support for undergraduates completing Law School applications and exams. 

As the University of St Andrews lacks a Law faculty, we provide an essential service to students and offer access to firms, contacts, information and the larger legal community. We are there to fill the void for aspiring lawyers, offering them the support needed to pursue careers in law.


President’s Address

On behalf of the entire committee, welcome to the University of St Andrews Law Society.

Whether a prospective or current member, potential or past sponsor, or simply curious about our offerings, thank you for visiting our website. I’m thrilled to share with you our exciting plans for the 2024-2025 academic year.

As a Society, our main aim is to bridge the gap between the non-law student community at the University of St Andrews, and a career in the legal field—inclusive of all sectors and various international paths. Despite the fact that the University does not have its own law faculty, its students and graduates find work placements, training contracts, and places on postgraduate legal courses at the most renowned firms and institutions around the globe, lending their interdisciplinary mindsets to the range of skills required to thrive in law. From International Relations to Biology to Computer Science to Arabic, our committee and society members are a testament to the holistically knowledgeable students that St Andrews can bring to the field.

As a career-focused Society, we rely heavily upon the invaluable support of our sponsors and partners. These partners provide various presentations on applications, commercial awareness, and firm-specific updates, along with attending the St Andrews Careers Fayre and corresponding Networking Dinner. Recently, we’ve expanded further into US Law via webinars from top American law schools. Last year witnessed a busy and particularly active year for the Mooting wing of the Society, and we anticipate that this year will be full of tremendous energy and growth in the field of advocacy, led by our Master and Mistress of the Moot. This year we are also strengthening our bonds with the University of St Andrews Careers Centre, with whom we work to ensure that students understand how to maximise the many wonderful opportunities available to them across the entire legal sector. Finally, our alumni network remains equally important, with an ever-growing number of aspiring and practising lawyers joining us as both members and guests - building relationships that last beyond the ‘bubble’!

I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us on the Contact page or via email, Facebook and LinkedIn if you have any queries or proposals.

Yours Faithfully,

Mathilda Briscoe

President, 2024-25